News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

2 Amstrad CPC meetings at once in Germany and France


Two meeting will take place at the same time from the 29th to the 31th May 2009 :

Happy Christmas 2008 and happy new year 2009 !


It's never too late, well I hope.

PSPCAP32 v1.4.3, an Amstrad CPC emulator for PSP by ZX-81


The Amstrad CPC emulator PSPCAP32 by ZX-81 has been updated :

  • Emulation speed (small improvements)
  • Improve file requester with virtual keyboard to choose sequentially rom files beginning with a given letter
  • Add documentation for settings in help menu

Castellum secretum meeting 3


You can go on the Castellum secretum 3 meeting site which will occur on friday the 31th October to sunday the 2th November 2008 at Segré (near Angers, 49). More informations on the web site (in french).

WinAPE v2.0 alpha 16, an Amstrad CPC emulator for windows


The Amstrad CPC emulator WinAPE offers a new floppy controller and drive emulation, CPC Symbol fonts and a stack of minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Meeting at Coutances


Elliot once again is organising a meeting at Coutances (France, Normandy), from friday 11th April (after 12:00am) to sunday 13th April (till end of the day) at the Foyer des Jeunes Travailleurs (Espace Hugues de Morville - 103 rue Geoffroy de Montbray - 50200 COUTANCES). Rooms will be available and meals will be delivered at 12:00am and 7:00pm. Financial participation will be 8 Euros 1 person/1 day. A programming contest will take place as usual with gifts. For more information and to inform Elliot (eliot a t cpcscene . com) about the number of people coming, what you bring, when you arrive and leave, please mail him.

CPCE v1.90, an Amstrad CPC emulator for windows


The Amstrad CPC emulator CPCE v1.90 brings a new LPTCPC.BAS to allow sending by parallel port extended .DSK (supporting more copy protection) and corrects FDC commands to be able to read these new extended .DSK, and some improvements to Z80 seach function and ZIP files management.

PSPCAP32 v1.3.4, an Amstrad CPC emulator for Sony PSP par ZX-81


The Amstrad CPC emulator PSPCAP32 for Sony PSP by ZX-81 has been updated once again, with mostly emulation speed increase, new hotkeys, and auto-fire.