News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

RASM v2.3.3 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC RASM (v2.3.3) was released five days ago on Github.

  • ability to remap any UTF8 char when using inline struct and parameter overload
  • Rasm MSDOS version is back ^_^

This multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC (for linux, windows, and also for MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC. It's recommended to use it with the new emulator also by Roudoudou : ACE-DL released today, to get symbols and breakpoints importation and much more.

Erinia (2025), a text adventure game for Amstrad CPC by DaReInt in english this time


Erinia a spanish text adventure game by DaReInt is now also désormais also available in english (4 euros). Written with DAAD, this game is available for other computers. Don't hesitate to go to his Itch.IO page (link above), as he has written other adventure games.

Soko64+, an Amstrad CPC reflexion game by Marco Spedaletti written in ugBASIC (2024)


ugBASIC by Marco Spedaletti is a compiled basic which works on many computers including the Amstrad CPC(+). In fact this compiler write the code so a program works whatever the features of the targeted computer, a feature which doesnt exist in hardware will be managed by software. For ugBASIC's github it's here, an official Facebook group of ugBASIC and even an ugBASIC forum.

There is also an IDE for ugBASIC v1.17 still by Marco Spedaletti available on Itch.IO for Windows.

Marco wrote in 2024 a Sokoban game : Soko64+, of course in ugBASIC.

Youtube video

LocoBasic by Marco Vieth, a Locomotive Basic light and quick


After CPCBasic unchained and CPCBasicTS unchained, Marco Vieth (author of the first Amstrad CPC emulator CPCEmu) is releasing LocoBasic.

LocoBasic is a streamlined adaptation of Locomotive BASIC, designed primarily for calculations. It is lightweight and can run either in a browser or on the command line using Node.js. It has NO GOTO but supports a subroutine style with GOSUB. Line numbers are optional and only needed to start a subroutine or a DATA line for RESTORE.

You can try LocoBasic here.

An internal 512 Kb RAM expansion for Amstrad CPC 6128 by Eto : iRAM/640


Eto announced yesterday his iRAM/640, an internal 512 Kb RAM expansion for Amtrad CPC 6128 which needs no soldering at all : remove the Z80, insert the expansion in the CPU socket ! Of you course if you use a DIY kit, you will have to solder the components.

Legacy software that supports the DK'Tronics memory standard will be able to access up to 576K of RAM (the maximum suppored by DK'Tronics). More recent software, like e.g. SymbOS, with support for the enhanced Yarek/RAM7 standard will see the full 640K.

You can read the genesis of the iRAM/640 expansion in this CPCWiki's thread.

My personal point of view, it's a very useful RAM expansion, thanks Eto for your work.

Internal RAM expansion Iram/640 by Eto

BOM of the internal RAM expansion Iram/640 by Eto

WIP Roland Retires by Brick Fabrik, loading screens of the game


Brick Fabrik are working since 2023 on their Amstrad CPC game Roland Retires. Code and design are by Mode 2 and music by Riskwood (you can hear the music here). The first picture below was already available in 2023, the two other are the loading screen, the first one is a graphic, the second is old school for Roland games.

Roland Retires, an Amstrad CPC game by Brick Fabrik

graphical loading screen for Roland Retires, an Amstrad CPC game by Brick Fabrik

old school loading screen for Roland Retires, an Amstrad CPC game by Brick Fabrik

Interview of Hervé Lange in 2020 on the web site Stay Forever


Hervé LANGE wrote several games on Amstrad CPC : B.A.T., Fer and Flamme, l'anneau de Zengara and le bagne de Nepharia. You can read an interview of Hervé LANGE on the web site Stay Forever (2020).

The 2025 edition of the Basic 10 liners contest starts the 1st February


The 2025 edition of the Basic 10 liners will start the 1st February and will end the 5th April 2025.

Check the twitter of BASIC10Liners for more news.