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Upgrade your Amstrad CPC disk drive with the ACME cover


You are so used to it, but the cover of your Amstrad CPC disk drive has some informations. Why not getting an upgrade of these informations by getting the one made by Frédéric Bellec (ACME web site) ? It's available in azerty and qwerty, and in english.

Awesome Amstrad CPC screens by Eric Cubizolle and how he created them


You can see many Amstrad CPC screens made by Eric Cubizolle (Titan) on CPCWiki and will learn how he creates them (french inside).

What you see is what you get, a biography by Lord Alan Michael Sugar


It took me time before starting reading this book, but now it's done, the official biograhy of and by Lord Alan Michael Sugar.

I did read already his other biographies :

  • Alan Sugar, the Amstrad Story by David Thomas
  • Sir Alan Sugar, the biography by Charlie Burden

The first one gave insights about his childhoold but nothing about his football years. Whereas the second one was introducing his foootball years. WYSIWYG give a lot more details about his childhood, the first steps which made him the man we all know and also a lot more on his football years. Honestly, I did appreciate this book and I recommend its reading. The only regret and it's purely personal, the book has a part about the Amstrad CPC computers but nothing about the CPC 664 which was my first computer, not very important though.

What you see is why you get, Lord Alan Michael Sugar's biography

Happy new year 2020


The year 2019 is near the end, it gave a lot of good things for the Amstrad computers, not only for the CPC, one of the very last being the Toki beta by AmstradGGP for example.

So, let's wish at least as much good if not more for the hear 2020. And personnally I wish you and people you care for a good and happy new year.

Robin Hood was an Amstrad CPC user


I do think that Robin Hood was using already in his time an Amstrad CPC, and that I think he would be proud of these following arrows fired today (4 x 10 et 2 x 9), especially the arrow feathers :

Better but purely accidental (last 20th November) :

3 x 10 and 2 x 9 poor arrow feather, near poor arrow feather, bis

For this I had to wait 6 years... This result due to the many and good advices from the other people in my club, thanks to them !

Youtube video

Play Amstrad CPC games online with BZH Games (records registered)


You can play Amstrad CPC games online on BZH Games (without sound though) thanks to the CPCBox emulator. If you are one of the best, your score will be registered.

GameBase CPC (v33) by Loïc Daneels is back


GameBase CPC v33 is available since today.

Please download only one file at a time.

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